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Index of 8th Grade Resolutions for March 31, 2004





GA March 31-01

Central Republic of Africa, Ghana, Chad, Liberia, Ivory Coast (Long Middle)


Amended and Passed

GA March 31-02

Germany, New Zealand (St. Gabriel)

Child Soldiers

Amended and Passed

GA March 31-03

Trinidad and Tobago (St. Mary Magdalen)

Clean Water

Amended and Passed

GA March 31-04 Canada
(Queen of All Saints)
Terrorism Amended and Passed

GA March 31-05

Tuvalu, Laos
(St. Mary Magdalen)

 Increasing the Literacy Rate

Not Debated


Amended and Passed

Resolution GA March 31-01

Long Middle School


Re:                              AIDS

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Central Republic of Africa, Ghana, Chad, Liberia, Ivory Coast

Date:                           March 31, 2004

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 25, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and his family," and

Recalling that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), affects human security, and

Recalling its resolution 44/233 of 22 December 1989, Economic and Social Council resolution 1999/36 of 28 July 1999 and other relevant resolutions, and

Noting, with deep concern the accelerating spread of HIV, which has already infected 38 million people worldwide, and the resulting increase in cases of AIDS, and

Recognizing that no country in the world has been spared by the AIDS epidemic and that 90 per cent of the people living with HIV/AIDS live in developing world, which has been very severely affected, particularly in Africa, and

Recognizing that the needs in countries addressing AIDS far outweigh both the human and the financial resources being made available and that high-level political commitment is critical to strengthen the response to the epidemic, and

Mindful that the AIDS epidemic has become a development crisis in many countries, with devastating consequences for human, social and economic progress, and that the development gains of past fifty years, including the increase in child survival and in life expectancy, are being reversed by the HIV/AIDS epidemic,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      Decides to convene a World AIDS Conference for a duration of seven[BobDole1]  days to review and address the problem of HIV/AIDS in all its aspects and to coordinate and intensify international efforts to combat it, as soon as possible, preferably in March 2005 but not later than the end of 2006 UN session;

2.      Urges Member States and observers of the highest level to represent their country at the World AIDS Conference; 

3.      Decides to establish a special fund to combat AIDS and HIV. This fund will purchase medical supplies[BobDole2] .

4.      Establishes a tax of 1% on liquor and tobacco sales. The money collected will be used in an education program concerning AIDs[BobDole3] .

5.      Urges all Member States to donate a sum equal to just one day of their military budget to the fund;

6.      Urges all member nations to donate additional funds as they deem necessary[BobDole4] .

7.      Urges the office of Secretary General to appoint a high-level International Committee to oversee the distribution and operation of the fund.

8.      This program will include any country with more than 20% of the population infected with AIDs[BobDole5] .

 [BobDole1]The summit was changed from 3 to seven days long.

 [BobDole2]Added how the money will be spent.

 [BobDole3]New operative clause.

 [BobDole4]New operative clause.

 [BobDole5]New operative clause.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

Amended and Passed

Resolution GA March 31-02

St. Gabriel's School


Re:                              Child Soldiers

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Germany, New Zealand

Date:                           March 31, 2004

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Section 2 of the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear.”, and

Whereas Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.”, and 

Whereas Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment punishment.”, and

Whereas Article 16, Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.”, and

Whereas Article 20, Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right states, “No one may be compelled to belong to an association.”, and

Whereas Article 25, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and his family. Including food, clothing, housing, medical care, necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood due to circumstances beyond their control.", and

Whereas Article 25, Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children shall enjoy the same protection.”, and

Alarmed that as many as 300,000 children under the age of 18 serve in government forces or armed rebel groups. Some are as young as eight years old, and

Concerned that the participation of child soldiers has been reported in 33 on-going or recent armed conflicts in almost every region of the world, and

Whereas many children join armed groups because of economic or social pressure or because children believe that the group will offer food or security. Others are forcibly recruited, “press-ganged” or abducted by armed groups, and

Whereas few peace treaties recognize the existence of child soldiers, or make provisions for their rehabilitation and reintegration into society, and

Concerned that the widespread availability of modern lightweight weapons enables children to become efficient killers in combat, and

Aware that both governments and armed groups use children because they are easier to condition into fearless killing and unthinking obedience; sometimes, children are supplied drugs and alcohol, and

Aware that many former child soldiers do not have access to the educational programs, vocational training, family reunification, or even food and shelter that they need to successfully rejoin civilian society. As a result, many end up on the street, become involved in crime, or are drawn back into armed conflict, and

Aware that in 2002, the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child outlaws the involvement of children under the age of 18 in hostilities, bans all compulsory recruitment of children under age 18, bans voluntary recruitment of children under age 18 by armed groups, and the use of children as weapons of war such as: exposing them to landmines, or chemical and biological weapons, and

Noting that during conflicts, many children have no access to school, driving them from their homes, or separating them from family members, as many children believe that joining armed is their best chance for survival, and

Aware that girls are also used as soldiers in many parts of the world. In addition to combat duties, girls are subject to sexual abuse and may be taken as “wives” by rebel leaders, and

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations will support the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child by refusing any political, diplomatic, financial and military assistance to countries or armed groups that do not comply with international child protection standards.
  1. A 1.5% voluntary[BobDole1]  tax will be placed on the sale of war weapons (such as: guns, ammunition, tanks, fighter jets, etc) to be used to fund WAACS Organization (World Association Against Child Soldiers).
  1. Also, a 2% voluntary tax will be placed on all international flights and cruises in countries with a GNP[BobDole2]  per capita over $20,000 to help fund WAACS.
  1. A 0.75% voluntary tax on war weapons will also be placed in effect to help fund WAACS[BobDole3] .
  1. WAACS will provide financial support to the countries that comply with the international child protection standards for the following:

a. To provide counseling, educational programs, vocational training, family reunification for former child soldiers.

b. To provide financial and psychological assistance to young women and babies born under these circumstances.

c. To aid in the educational system to keep the children (under 18) in school.

d. Building of recreational centers to keep children off the streets.

  1. WAACS will work with an NGO (non-governmental organization) which is coalition formed by six international non-governmental organizations that works with national campaigns in more than thirty countries around the world, to ensure that all countries given financial support follow the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and comply with international child protection standards.

    7. In addition, a committee will be formed from United Nation General Assembly to assess the program in 5 years.  This committee will determine if this program is successful.

 [BobDole1]The word voluntary was added.

 [BobDole2]The GNP per capita limit was included as well as the word voluntary.

 [BobDole3]New operative clause.


E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

Amended and Passed

Resolution GA March 31-03

St. Mary Magdalen


Re:                              Lack of clean water in Caribbean countries and Central America

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Trinidad and Tobago

Date:                           March 31, 2004

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 25, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health of himself and his family. Including food, clothing, housing, medical care, necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood due to circumstances beyond their control.", and

Whereas Article 2, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth of other status.”, and

Whereas Article 7, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.  All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination”, and

Noting that in Tobago 90% of the potable water supplied to households and industries is returned to the environment as waste water that has the potential for the contamination of surface water and groundwater supplies, and

Alarmed that polluted water in this area will lead to diseases such as meningitis, typhoid, gastroenteritis, hepatitis, salmonella infections, cholera, bacillary, dysentery, ear infections, pneumonia, septicemia, skin rashes, and diarrhea,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      Request that UN member dues be reduced[BobDole1]  by 0.5% on members with a GNP per capita over $15[BobDole2] ,000.

2.      Request that all member nations and all international airlines agree to assess a .5% tax on all passenger airline tickets leaving their destination.

3.      This money will be used in all countries[BobDole3]  with water problems.

4.      This money will be used on water purifiers, a better sewer system, and tests on water to discover the source. It will also be used on the training and hiring of workers as well as education[BobDole4] .

5.      The name of this commission will be The Clean Our Water committee (COW)

6.      This program will be authorized for 8 years.  At the end of the fourth year, the General Assembly will commence discussion on the renewal of this program as well as assess the effectiveness.

 [BobDole1]Originally, member dues were to be raised by 1.5%.

 [BobDole2] The sum was raised from $12,000 to $15,000.

 [BobDole3]This was changed from Caribbean countries and Central America to all countries.

 [BobDole4]Education and additional workers were included.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

 Amended and Passed

Resolution GA March 31-04

Queen of All Saints


Re:                              Terrorism

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Canada

Date:                           March 31, 2004

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Realizing that most every day there is a terrorist attack somewhere in the world, and

Recognizing that a terrorist attack could occur in any country, and

Alarmed by the fact that there were 1,106 terrorist attacks recorded by the website, and

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      All first world countries have a 0.5% voluntary[BobDole1]  tax on computers, video games, and video game systems and this money be donated to the United Nations.

2.      A 1% tax on fast food chains in first world countries and a 1% tax on books will also fund this program[BobDole2] .

3.      The money would be distributed by the U.N. Anti-Terrorism Organization to nations that need more security in their airports, national borders, and soft targets (like hotels and tourist destinations). It will also be used to create an international security alert system on airlines.

4.      The ingredients to weapons of mass destruction shall be harder to purchase for anyone listed in the terrorist database[BobDole3] .

5.      Some money would go to setting up an international database on terrorists. The aforementioned database will include known criminals as well[BobDole4] .

6.      This program will run for four[BobDole5]  years and then it will be re-evaluated.

 [BobDole1]The word voluntary was added.

 [BobDole2]New operative clause.

 [BobDole3]New operative clause.

 [BobDole4]Criminal records were added to the database.

 [BobDole5]The length was increased from 2 years to 4 years.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

Not Debated

Resolution GA March 31-05

St. Mary Magdalen


Re:                              Increasing the Literacy Rate

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Tuvalu and Laos

Date:                           March 31, 2004

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Acknowledging that Article 26, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights  states, “Everyone has the right to education.  Education shall be free, at least in the elementary education and fundamental stages.  Elementary education shall be compulsory.  Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be accessible to all on the basis of merit…”, and

Realizing that Article 26 Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Education shall be directed to the full development of human personality to and strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.  It shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace,” and 

Ashamed by the fact that many Southeast Asian and Arab countries have literacy rates that are below acceptable the levels of 60%.  People in Laos and Tuvalu receive no or little schooling.  Laos’ literacy rate is 50% and Tuvalu’s is 55%, and

Alarmed by the fact that females receive less education than men.  The number of illiterate people in many countries either decreases or stays the same,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      Request that a 1% tax be placed on the manufacturers of the automobiles worth over $30,000.

2.      Request that a 2% tax will be placed on all houses over $230, 000.

3.      Request that this money will be given to the purchases of schools and facilities for learning in Laos, Tuvalu, and other countries in need of educational assist.

4.      The name of this commission will be Real Education Association Distribution in Laos and Tuvalu (READ).

5.      Request that a tax will be placed on all professional sports tickets to be paid by the consumers.  The money will be collected by the READ association and used to build schools and facilities for learning.

6.      The United Nations Countries with GNP $10, 000 and up will give old books and other supplies needed for education.

7.      This program will be authorized for 6 years.  At the end of the 3rd year the general assembly will commence discussion on the renewal of the program as well as asses the effectiveness.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.