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Index of Middle School Resolutions for March 14, 2007





GA March 14-01

(Hoech Middle)

GA March 14-02

(St. Margaret of Scotland)

Air Pollution New
GA March 14-03 Algeria
Trafficking in Children New
GA March 14-04

(Hoech Middle)

Global Warming New
GA March 14-05 Haiti
(St. Margaret of Scotland)
Education New
GA March 14-06 India
(Hoech Middle)
Child Abuse New


Resolution GA March 14-01

Hoech Middle


 Re:                              HIV/AIDs

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            France

Date:                           March 14, 2007

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 21, section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Alarmed there are 440,000 women living with HIV/Aids, and

Appalled that Africa is home to 70% of people with HIV, and 

Concerned that 1.6 million people in Eastern Europe have HIV and AIDS,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

 1.      Establish a program called Recovery from Disease Around the World (RFDATW) to treat people who have HIV/AIDS.

 2.      Recruit doctors to volunteer for 2 months to work in the RFDATW Program.

 3.      The WHO and UNICEF will sponsor the program.

 4.      The program will start in Botswana, Zambia, Chad, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Pakistan, and Georgia.

 5.      Countries with a high GDP of $26,000 or greater will contribute $20,000,000 to start RFDATW.

 6.      France will help to start the program and donate $25 million.

Resolution GA March 14-02

St. Margaret of Scotland


 Re:                              Air Pollution

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Thailand

Date:                           March 14, 2007

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

 Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

 Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

 Realizing that air pollution is Thailand’s number one problem, and

 Whereas the pollution moves with the wind to other countries around Thailand, and

 Appalled that Thailand’s capital is one of the most polluted cities in the world, and

 Understanding that the richer countries send industries to Thailand to take advantage of cheap labor and lax environmental laws,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. Request to put a tax of 1.0% on the products that the industries make.
  2. This money is to be used to install scrubbers on the smoke stacks of these factories in Thailand to help reduce air pollution.
  3. This program is will be United Nations Asian Air Pollution Initiative (U.N.A.A.P.I)
  4. If this project is successful in Thailand after 5 years, the program will be started in five countries with the worst air pollution.
  5. This program will be authorized for 10 years.  At the end of the fifth year, the General Assembly will discuss both the renewal and the expansion of this program.

Resolution GA March 14-03

City Academy


 Re:                              Trafficking in Children

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Algeria

Date:                           March 14, 2007

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

 Whereas Article 4 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”, and

 Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

 Whereas Article 23 section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.”, and

 Whereas Article 23 section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.”, and

 Realizing that Algeria is a transit and destination country for children from sub-Saharan Africa and Asia for forced labor and sexual exploitation, and

 Worried that cultural practices encourage trafficking, and

 Appalled that many victims willingly migrate to Algeria en route to European countries with the help of smugglers where they are often forced into prostitution, labor, and begging to pay off their smuggling debt, and

 Concerned that children may be trafficked for forced labor as domestic servants or street vendors, and 

Fully aware that Algeria took no steps to assess the amount of trafficking in the country and reported no investigations or prosecutions for trafficking offenses,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      A U. N. police force would seize the assets of anyone caught trafficking and use the money to support the victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking

2.      Join together with the bordering countries of Libya, Niger, and Mali to create an organization called Help Our Children to organize and maintain seized assets.

3.      The U.N.  police force would conduct workshops for law enforcement officials to help them become more aware of the trafficking issue.

4.      Create a hotline # to report suspected trafficking cases to be maintained by HOC.

5.      Use the seized assets to provide for the education of the children trafficked. 

6.      The children who are victims of trafficking will either be returned to their families or if no family is available they will be provided a home in an orphanage and provided with an education through the HOC fund. 

7.      This program will last for three years after which the success of the program will be reassessed based on the number of hotline calls and the amount of assess received.

Resolution GA March 14-04

Hoech Middle


Re:                              Global Warming

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Australia

Date:                           March 14, 2007

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Keeping in mind that carbon emissions have quadrupled during the past half century, and

 Affirming global mean surface temperatures have increased 0.6 – 1.2 degrees F since the late 19th century, and

 Observing global mean sea levels have already risen by 10 to     15 cm during the past century, and global warming is expected to cast a further rise of 15 to 95 cm by the year 2100 (with a “best estimate” of 50 surface temperatures, and

 Fully aware that precipitation has increased by about 1% over the world’s continents in the last century,

 Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.       The UN will contribute 10 million dollars to place water mills for making electricity in Australia and Madagascar. 

2.       The name of this program will be XGW (XOut Global Warming).

3.       Famous musicians from around the world will participate in a music festival called Ozfest to raise the $10,000,000.

4.       The money will be distributed to Australia and Madagascar. If XGW is successful, the XGW program will be expanded to other countries.

5.       The UN Environment Program will supervise XGW.

6.       The program will last for six years and then be evaluated by the General Assembly.

Resolution GA March 14-05

St. Margaret of Scotland


 Re:                              Lack of Education

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Haiti

Date:                           March 14, 2007

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 26, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.”, and

 Whereas Article 26, section 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.”, and

 Realizing that in Haiti the children literacy rate is 67% and for adults 52%, and

 Concerned that only 30% of the children in Haiti go to school, and

 Worried that even though school tuition to a good school in Haiti costs only  $6.50, many people cannot afford it, so very few children have an education, and

 Confident that soon all children will have access to a good education,

 Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      Request that 0.5% of yearly income of the United Nations goes to families of Haiti, Niger, and Burkina Faso who cannot afford to send their children in need of education to school.

2.      Ask for donations from Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and Iceland. We decided to ask donations from these countries because they have wealth that could be shared. 

3.      The money for this program will go to schools to pay for scholarships for children who can’t afford an education. 

4.      The name of this program is United Nations for Child Education also known as U.N.F.C.E 

5.      If U.N.F.C.E. program works successfully in Haiti, Niger, and Burkina Faso after six years the program will be started in the next ten countries with the lowest child literacy rates.  

6.      This program will be authorized for ten years. At the end of the fifth year, the General Assembly will discuss the renewal of the program.

Resolution GA March 14-06

Hoech Middle


Re:                              Child Trafficking and Poverty

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            India

Date:                           March 14, 2007

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 4 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”, and

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Deeply concerned that over 9 billion dollars are made annually through the buying and selling of human beings, and

Alarmed that over 2,000,000 people are trafficked annually throughout the world, and

Aware that half a billion children are struggling to survive on less than $1.00 a day,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The General Assembly will set up a program called F4KR (Fight for Kids’ Rights) to set up schools and hospitals. That by the year 2010 all countries must prohibit trafficking.
  2. The schools will be started in Burkina Faso, India, and Morocco.
  3. If F4KR is successful, the UN will expand the program after 5 years.
  4. Increase jail time from 1-to 5 years to 10 to 15 years depending on the type of trafficking committed.
  5. The richer countries shall pay 0.25% more in dues to pay for F4KR.
  6. Schools and hospitals should be increased in poor countries.