MUNUC Mailing

                                                                                                28 November 2000

Dear Prospective MUNUC delegates,

 Yesterday (Monday, November 27, 2000) was our deadline for sending in our list of delegates to MUNUC in Chicago.  Rather than assume a late-filing fine, we sent in a tentative list of our delegates for Armenia and Cuba.  This list is included with this letter.  While MUNUC has our tentative list, we want you to know that this is list is very much subject to change.  We currently have fifty-two students who have applied for the 30 positions that we can take to Chicago.  Our decisions will not be made based on whose name is in the table at the beginning of the list; all delegates including those on the reverse side of the paper are have an equal chance of going.[1]

The key to going to MUNUC will be attendance at our preparation workshops and your performance prior to the conference.  We will not make our final decision until after our final prep session on January 13, 2001.  We also want you to know that need for financial assistance will not be a factor in determining who goes.

Our first preparation meeting is this Saturday, December 2, 2000 at Crossroads School (map enclosed).  The other two prep sessions will also be at Crossroads on Saturday, December 16, 2000 and on Saturday, January 13, 2001.  On each date, we’ll have a prep session for MUNUC for one hour (from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM) and then a second hour (from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM) for a general discussion on current issues.  Our topic this week will be the possibility of a return to an isolationist foreign policy by the United States if George W. Bush becomes president.  Other topics will of course also be entertained.

The MUNUC conference will be from Thursday, February 8 through Sunday, February 11, 2001.  We’ll take AmTrak to and from Chicago.  While in Chicago, we’ll stay at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel.

The cost of the trip is $350.00, but as mentioned previously, financial aid is available.  Enclosed with this mailing is a Financial Aid Form.  If you are requesting assistance, please complete the form and bring it to this Saturday’s meeting.  For all delegates, the first half of their payment will be due on January 13, 2001 and the final half on January 31, 2001.  Each student will need to keep $60.00 in cash for food on the trip.  This amount comes out of the $350.00 fee; so for someone paying full cost, $145.00 will be due on January 13 and again on January 31.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours,

Arthur H. Lieber



[1] The one exception is Iulia Simtion who lives in Romania and was an exchange student at Lindbergh High School last year.  She loved her MUNUC 2000 experience and has committed herself to returning for MUNUC 2001.

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