8th Grade Resolutions for 

April 10, 2002


Updated: April 9, 2002; 4:30 PM

Comm./ Res.

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Brief Description



Iraq Sanction Resolution



Honduras, Ghana, and Haiti Reducing poverty by diversifying the economies of Ghana, Haiti, and Honduras New 
GA-03-03 Nepal Increasing Third World Housing New
GA-03-04 Kenya & Ireland The Relationship between Terrorism and Religious and Cultural Prejudice New
GA-03-05 Colombia Ending the Drug Traffickers business an their threat to the political and economical stability of Colombia New
GA-03-06 United Kingdom Food-Communicable Disease New
GA-03-07 Belgium Zimbabwean Elections New
GA-03-08 Canada Improving World Working Conditions New


Spring, 2002

Resolution GA-03-01

John Burroughs School


Re:                              Sanction Resolution

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Iraq

Date:                           February 21,2002


Whereas Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family, including food", and


Whereas Resolution 661 (reaffirming its resolution 660 (1990) of August 2) decides that all States shall prevent" the import into the territories of all commodities and products originating in Iraq," and


Noting that Oil-for-Food program began in 1996 when the UN allowed Iraq to sell 2 billion dollars worth of oil in a 180 day period to buy food and medical supplies.  72% of the oil revenue was used for the humanitarian program in Iraq (buying food and medical supplies), 25% of it went to the Compensation Commission in Geneva, 2.2% went to the UN costs for administering the program, and .8% went to the administration of the UNMOVIC, and


Alarmed that children have been dying and suffering from malnutrition, and


Guided by the fact  that the food supply went from 3,120 to 1,093 kilo calories a day by 1994 and Iraqi children under the age of five suffering from malnutrition doubled from 12% to 23% and results from a nutritional status survey done on 15,000 children under five in April 1997 showed that almost all of the young child population had malnutrition, and


Alarmed by the lack of medical supplies and the fact that communicable diseases (malaria) which were under control came back in 1993, and


Noting with satisfaction food did arrive in March 1997, 8 billion in food and 1.5 billion in medical supplies made the daily food ration increase to 2,229 kilo calories a day, and


Ashamed that the UN has not abolished the sanction for the suffering of the children in Iraq,


Be it here by resolve that the General Assembly:


1.       Abolish the sanction act of 660 in Iraq. Then the UN monitors process of rebuilding economy and fixing malnutrition.


2.       The UN will provide foodstuffs for one year that keeps the daily food ration to the suggested 3,120 kilocalories per day, to stop malnutrition.


3.       Directs Iraq to use 55% of its oil profits for food and medical supplies, 5% is to be used for rehabilitation of schools.


4.       If Iraq acts aggressively towards it neighboring countries then the UN sanctions will be restored with harsher penalties.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring, 2002

Resolution GA-03-02

Ste. Genevieve duBois


Re:                              Reducing poverty by diversifying the economies of Ghana, Haiti, and Honduras

Submitted to:              The General Assembly

Submitted by:             Honduras, Ghana, and Haiti

Date:                           March 20, 2002


Whereas Article 25, Section 1 or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood. old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control,” and


Whereas Article 23, Section 1 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment,” and


Whereas Article 23, Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work,”


Realizing that Honduras has an unemployment rate of 28%, Ghana's unemployment rate is 20%, and Haiti's unemployment rate is 66%, and


Acknowledging that Honduras has 53% of its people living below the poverty level, 31% of the people in Ghana live below tile poverty level, and Haiti has 80% of its people living below the poverty level, and


Recalling that Honduras has a GDP per capita of $574, Ghana’s GDP per capita is $397, and Haiti has a GDP per capita of $368,


Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:


1.       The World Bank will provide loans for the governments of Ghana, Haiti., and Honduras to finance industries that would utilize a natural resource in their country to produce manufactured products. These new industries will help to diversify the economies of these countries and will help to alleviate unemployment


2.       The governments or these countries will loan this money to industries to help build manufacturing plants in their countries, such as Folgers in Honduras, C&H in Haiti, and Nestles in Ghana. These companies will pay back the loans to the government over a specified period of time.


3.       These companies will be required to hire and train local citizens to work in these industries.


4.       The following incentives could be offered to encourage companies to build industries in these countries.  Property taxes and income taxes could be eliminated over a specified period of time.  Interest on these government loans could be reduced or eliminated.


5.       Representatives from the World Bank will monitor the use of these loans to ensure the proper use of these funds.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring 2002

Resolution GA-03-03

Julie Kavanagh, Emily Deffner, and Amrita Nanda; Whitfield, 2002


Re:                              Increasing Third World Housing

Submitted to:              The General Assembly

Submitted by:             Nepal

Date:                           April 17, 2002


Whereas Article 25, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food…” “Medical care, and necessary Social Services…”  “Sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control,” and


Whereas Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.  Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own and to return to his country,” and


Whereas two our of three of those eligible for low-income housing in the world do not receive it, and


Whereas in 1995, housing was not available for 4.4 million eligible low-income renters.


Be It Hereby Resolved That the General Assembly:


  1. Request that all member nations and all international McDonald’s assess a 1% tax on all order.
  2. The money generated from this tax will be given to the government and used to build new houses in the hills and valleys of Nepal.
  3. The name of this commission will be called the United Nations Money for Houses UNMH).
  4. This program will be authorized for 15 years.  The 5th year of the program, the General Assembly will commence discussion on the renewal of the program.
  5. A donation box will also be placed in all the McDonald’s for a small donations of cash.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring 2002

Resolution GA-03-04

St. Louis Cathedral School, 2002


Re:                              The Relationship between Terrorism and Religious and Cultural Prejudice

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Kenya and Ireland

Date:                           April 17, 2002


Believing that respect for religion, culture, and diversity leads to tolerance and peace, and


Noting that Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that, “All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights.  They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood,” and


Acknowledging that all religions and cultures believe that their society has evolved from a universal truth, and


Noticing that cultural prejudice which results in terrorism is often rooted in religious beliefs, and


Recognizing the religious undercurrent in conflicts among tribes, native African and Indian immigrants and their descendants  in Kenya are causing political and economic strife in Kenya and other African countries, and


Concerned that political conflicts rooted in religious prejudice resulting in terrorist activity in Northern Ireland poses a danger to Ireland, and


Apprehensive that terrorist activity in Israel and Palestine will further escalate to be a world threat, and


Be It Hereby Resolved That:


1.      Kenya and Ireland sponsor a month-long preliminary summit conference in Ireland, inviting religious and cultural representatives from Northern Ireland, Kenya, Israel, Palestine and any other countries that wish to participate, for the purpose of presenting and learning about religious and cultural heritages with the goal of coming to an understanding of diverse viewpoints.


2.      Ireland provide room and board in private, volunteer homes after a count of participants and dates are finalized.


3.      World airlines provide transportation for those who wish to participate.


4.      Participating airline employees and hosting Irish families be offered their choice of tourism of facilities in both Ireland and Kenya free of cost, with the cooperation of the tourism industry which will be offered tax-cut incentives.


5.      Continuance of the conference, either ongoing or annual, will be decided after the success of the summit is evaluated by those participating.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring, 2002

Resolution GA-03-05

Ste. Genevieve duBois


Re:                              Ending the Drug Traffickers business an their threat to the political and economical stability of Colombia

Submitted to:              The General Assembly

Submitted by:             Colombia

Date:                           April 17, 2002


Whereas Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has tile right to life, liberty, and security of person,” and


Whereas Article 29 Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “in the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society,” and


Realizing that 30% of the world's cocaine comes from Colombia, especially through a powerful organization of drug operatives from the city of Medellin, and


Recalling that since 1980 the government has campaigned against the drug dealers but has had little success because the drug operatives formed private armies with trained mercenaries.  They have also bombed several political places of importance, and


Acknowledging that the drug dealers threaten the lives of citizens if the government tries to imprison them,.


Be It Herby Resolved That the General Assembly:


1.      The UN should send in military advisors and equipment for the Colombian government to use against the drug dealers who engage in "total war" against the Colombian government.  After the drug dealers have been eliminated Colombia must see to it that all equipment is returned to the UN.


2.      The UN should send in Peacekeepers to patrol the port of Medellin, the county's borders, and airports so that no illegal drugs can be put on cars, planes, or ships without any government intervention.  If drugs are found it will he reported to government officials so that the drugs may be seized.


3.      A 1% tax will be placed on all goods imported or exported through Colombia to pay for the equipment and the UN Peacekeepers.


4.      This operation will be in effect for five years.  In the fourth year the General Assembly will review its progress and decide whether to keep it running.


5.      A committee of 5 UN delegates will oversee the operations in Colombia. This committee will be called The United Nations Commission of Drug Enforcement (U.N.C.D.F).

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring 2002

Resolution GA-03-06

St. Louis Cathedral School, 2002


Re:                              Food-Communicable Disease

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             The United Kingdom

Date:                           April 17, 2002


Acknowledging that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25 states that, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care,” and


Noting that achievements in food production and health research have made great strides in recent decades, and


Believing that health and safe food production for all is a world concern, and


Concerned that foot and mouth disease has broken out in over 600 farms and slaughterhouses in the United Kingdom, and has resulted in the killing over 400,000 animals by 2001 and may still be currently spreading to other parts of Europe, and


Alarmed by the fact that infected meat may have been sent to markets world-wide, and


Recognizing that other countries may have concerns about this and other diseases affecting the world’s food production, and


Be It Hereby Resolved That:


1.      The United Nations assemble scientists from the world population who are specialists in food communicable diseases for the purpose of drawing up guidelines for those involved in farming and ranching to both prevent disease and recognize infection at its earliest stages.


2.      These guidelines be translated into all world languages and distributed to those in charge of food production at the local level.


3.      If necessary, support groups and educators be trained locally or sent to areas in need of extended explanation or training.


4.      A 1% tax on meat products be assessed in all first-world countries at the retail level to cover the cost of producing and implementing the guideline information.


5.      After a five-year period, a committee of those participating scientists gather to study the statistics of the anticipated decline of food-communicable diseases and the necessity of further funding, support and/or education.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring, 2002

Resolution GA-03-07

John Burroughs School

 Re:                              Zimbabwean Elections

Submitted to:              General Assembly

Submitted by:             Belgium

Date:                           April 8, 2002


Concerned that the Zimbabwean economy is in an atrocious state and two thirds of Zimbabweans are unemployed while Mr. Mugabe and his top officials live in luxury, and


Whereas Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment; (2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work; (3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection; (4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests, and”


Alarmed that President Mugabe has not allowed EU inspectors to fully supervise the elections, and


Deeply concerned that the elections in Zimbabwe will not be equal and fair, and


Whereas Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives, (2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country, (3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures, and”


Deeply disturbed that opponents to Mr. Mugabe’s regime have been unfairly arrested and sometimes murdered by Mr. Mugabe’s forces and members of the international press have been removed from Zimbabwe because of their accurate and fair reports, and


Whereas Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile,” and Article 10 states, “Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him,”


Be It Herby Resolved That the General Assembly:


1.     United Nations inspectors be allowed into Zimbabwe to completely oversee all aspects of the elections in Zimbabwe unhindered and if Mr. Mugabe does not honor this request the following sanction be placed against Mr. Mugabe and his top officials:


a.      Travel restrictions on Mr. Mugabe and his top officials to any country in the United Nations.


b.     The assets of Mr. Mugabe and his top officials in banks within United Nation member states be seized.


c.      All weapon and military sales to Zimbabwe be halted.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Spring 2002

Resolution GA-03-08

Julie Brummond, Rachel Marshke, and Ellen Simons; Whitfield, 2002


Re:                              Improving World Working Conditions

Submitted to:              The General Assembly

Submitted by:             Canada

Date:                           April 17, 2002


Whereas Article 23, Section 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment,” and


Whereas Article 23, Section 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work,” and,


Whereas the employment rate for people in Jordan, ages 15-64 in 1993 was 43.2%, and


Whereas the lowest 20% of the households in Slovakia make up 11.9% of the national income,


Be It Hereby Resolved That the General Assembly:


1.      Canada will fund to create better working conditions such as no child labor pertaining to children under the age of fourteen, minimum wages that allow people to afford basic necessities, a twelve hour working limit, and better health conditions in the work place.


2.      To make those requests possible, Canada will tax 10% of all purchases at all May Company Department stores.


3.      This program will first be used for countries with an employment rate of under 48%.  Then, if successful, it will continue helping other countries with working condition problems.


4.      The name of this program will be United Nations Working Conditions Improvements (U.N.W.C.I.).

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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