Conference on the United Nations & The Future

February 1-2, 2002


Poem in Advance of Conference by Amber Stephens (Gateway H.S., 2004) representing the Russian Federation in Visualizing Peace Committee.




I thought for a day,

I thought for two days, four days,

How could my letter

Reach all the mankind,

And tell about peace,

To all the world.

Then suddenly my heart started to beat,

I realized I didn’t need

A pen and ink.

There is peace in the sky,

The sun is about to rise

Watch it, my dear friend,

Go to places you have never seen,

Give me your hand,

Tell me your name,

I’ll be your friend right away.

The world is like a mother,

We embrace it,

We join our hands around it.

I say “Hello” to you,

You reply to me saying “Hello.”

Altogether we shall bravely say,

“No” to the monster called war.

Children of the world are unarmed!

And friendship is the most powerful weapon!



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