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Gateway Model United Nations

Resolution Outcomes from April 26, 2003


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These resolutions were written on the day of the session.


Comm./ Res.



Brief Description






General Assembly





New Zealand, U.K., Cuba

Oil Resources



U.S. & France

Globalization of Oil Supplies












Resolution GA-03-01

New Zealand, U.K., Cuba


Whereas the world will face a crisis with respect to oil resources in this century, and


Acknowledging that oil is a resource vital to all nations on Earth, and


Reaffirming the UN’s support for national sovereignty, and


Aware that further research into alternative fuel sources is the most pragmatic way to solve this problem,


Be It Hereby Resolved That:


1.      The U.N. will create a committee to report back to this body in two years as to the best way to acquire funds from the oil industry for research such as placing an assessment on the dues of member nations on an international tax on the import of oil, etc.


2.      After implementing a method advised by this committee, fund will be acquired and placed under the jurisdiction of the U.N.


3.      These funds will be used to support programs furthering research into alternative fuel sources.


4.      The U.N. will encourage the creation of an international forum where data, ideas, etc. about alternative fuel sources can be shared.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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Resolution GA-03-02

United States, France


Understanding that the world’s oil supply is at a shortage, and


Believing that the remainder of the oil be globalized and a certain percentage shared, and


Noting that oil is a major global and national resource, and


Believing that a globalized institution could keep oil from being a war instrument by sharing a percentage of it across the world, and


Acknowledging that since this globalized institution is mandated by the U.N. that quells the ability to monopolize the oil industry,


Be It Hereby Resolved That:


1.      An international institution mandated by the United Nations will conduct and perform the duties of trafficking trade of a percentage of a nation’s oil supply.


2.      That portion given to this program should not be more than 25% of the nation’s oil supply, and the countries participating in this institution shall be by the will and choice of the respective nations.


3.      80% - 20% shall be the profit-sharing figure that is negotiable by the nation and the U.N.  (80% profit goes directly to the nation; 20% to the U.N. for humanitarian needs).


4.      Each country has the ability to tax and decide upon the drilling methods which are applied within the nation.


5.      The receiving nations of oil should be able to receive equal sums of profit due based upon their immediate need for oil.

E-Mail your comments or questions on this resolution to us. We'll post them on the discussion board. Be sure to indicate the resolution number.

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