GA-08 Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa - CIVITAS-STL

GA-08 Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa



Re.:                             Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Finland, United Kingdom

Date:                           November 9, 2013

Whereas Article 26, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.”, and

Whereas Article 26, section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance, and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United nations for the maintenance of peace.”, and

Alarmed that 47 million youths in Sub-­Saharan Africa are illiterate, and

Flabbergasted that illiteracy looms over more than 750 million people around the world, total, and

Dismayed that 24 percent of primary school-­age children do not attend school,


Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations will begin a district of 96 schools called United Nations Sub-­Saharan Education System (UNSSES) to provide education to primary-­aged children in Sub-­Saharan Africa.
  2. The district will provide two schools in all 48 Sub-­Saharan African countries. The trial time will be five years, and then an evaluation will take place to assess its success in the countries. If in the area where the schools are located the nutrition and literacy rates have gone up by at least ten percent during the program’s operation, the schools will operate for another ten years. After the ten years have passed, another assessment will be made for the literacy rate and nutrition rate. If both schools prove to be unsuccessful in a country, then two more schools will be added in the country to improve it.
  3. The schools will provide food that contains the necessary nutrition and basic health assistance. The schools will have a school nurse who will assess each student before they are accepted into each school. If the student holds a dangerous disease that the nurse is unable to treat, the student will not be admitted and the nurse will seek help at a hospital for them.
  4. There will be 150 students admitted to the school, on a first-­come-­first-­served basis. There will seventeen employees at each school and they will all be paid out of the budget. There will be fifteen teachers employed at the school. There will be one employee will work in janitorial services and one principal who serves as the administration (the principal will network with the other principals of the UNSESS), and there will be an employee who will be trained in nursing to assess health and treat the students accordingly.
  5. In order to resolve this issue and accomplish the task, we will raise the dues for the 10 nations that pay the highest amount of dues by 0.6%. The budget will then be $11,458,690 for the program.
  6. The total cost of the program will be $9,620,318.40. Any extra money will first be used for any extra expenses for the schools that are found later in the program, and then used to give the students money for higher education.



$5,952 Cost to buy two soccer balls for all 96 schools for children to partake in

Recreational activity.

$7,358.40 Cost to buy all of the students in every school safe water for a year.

$46,080 Cost to supply the nurse with 20 first-­aid kits for each of the 96 schools.

$98,688 Cost to buy emergency classroom kits for every classroom in the school.

$1,920,000 Cost to operate a generator in all 96 schools for a year.

$1,997,280 Cost to buy all of the students a healthy breakfast and lunch for a year.

$2,400,000 Cost to build all 96 school buildings in the district.

$3,144,960 Cost to pay all 1728 teachers in all 96 schools for a year.



Civitas Associates

Civitas Associates is a St. Louis based non-profit that encourages students and teachers alike to approach the world with creativity, compassion, and critical thought.

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