Resolutions for May 9, 2008

Resolution Sponsors Topic Status
GA-01 Israel
Marian Middle
Water Shortages NEW!
GA-02 Afghanistan, Mexico, Liberia, Pakistan, Russian Federation
Hoech Middle
Disarmament NEW!
GA-03 U.S.A.
City Academy
Migrant Workers NEW!
GA-04 Djibouti
Ralph Bunche
Clean Water NEW!
GA-05 China, Costa Rica, Egypt, & The Republic of Korea
Hoech Middle
Climate Change NEW!
GA-06 Italy
Ralph Bunche
Terrorism NEW!

Resolution GA May 9-01 

Marian Middle


Re:                              Water Shortages

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Israel

Date:                           May 9, 2008

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”, and

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas the preamble of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations”, and

Noting with deep concern that Jordan has a rounded population of 4 million people, we are very shocked that their water supply is only 255 cubic meters per capita, and

Understanding that water is a necessity, we believe that our program is necessary for the well being of Israel’s neighbors, and

Having considered funding, we have constructed a plan,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      The General Assembly start a program called Water of the World (WW).

2.      WW’s goal is to increase the supply of water per capita by 2,000 cubic meters in Jordan in the next 5 years.

3.      Jordan will be given half a billion dollars to purchase technology from Israel to build water purification systems in order to purify and conserve water.

4.      WW is asking the UN to increase the dues of the 6 richest countries by 8%.

5.      If WW succeeds, the General Assembly will choose if the program is eligible to run for 10 more years.

6.      If so, we would like to earn permission from the General Assembly to expand our program to fund 3 more countries.

Resolution GA May 9-02


Hoech Middle


Re:                              Disarmament

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Afghanistan, Mexico, Liberia, Pakistan, Russian Federation

Date:                           May 9, 2008

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

 Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 12 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to protection of the law against such interference and attacks.”, and

Whereas the preamble of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations”, and

Appalled there are 5 officially recognized nuclear weapons States, and three nuclear weapons capable States, and

Outraged more than 35,000 nuclear weapons are still stockpiled, many on high alert, ready to be launched on warning, and 

Deeply concerned that today 80% of the world’s spending on armaments is on conventional weapons and weapons systems, and 

Shocked that about 500 million small arms are in circulation worldwide, and

Having considered that there are 82 countries still affected by landmines with over 9000 casualties in 2004 alone, and

Fully aware that arms transfers to developing countries from industrialized countries are estimated at some $30 billion per year,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.       The General Assembly start a program called the “Disarmament for Development” (DOD). This committee is charged with putting together a worldwide conference to increase nations’ ratification and participation in the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

2.       Negotiate among each other for deeper cuts in existing nuclear arsenals.

3.       Eliminate battlefield nuclear weapons and have each country sign on to a no first –use policy.

4.       Increase the number of UN weapons inspectors. Having this transparency will help countries can feel more secure and not feel the need to have nuclear weapons.

5.       Convene a conference on small arms and light weapons with the goal of cutting light arms production in half by 2020.

6.       Provide land mine removal services in countries identified by the Land Mine Impact Survey as having the greatest number of landmines still in place.

7.       Request 1% increases in UN dues of the countries’ most responsible for arms production in order to pay for this program. (United States, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, and the United Kingdom.)

8.       Authorize DFD program for 12 years with annual reviews by the General Assembly to determine the amount of progress towards goals and the amount of money spent.

Resolution GA May 9-03


City Academy


Re:                              Migrant Workers

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            United States of America

Date:                           May 9, 2008

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 23 section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.”, and

Whereas Article 24 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.”, and 

Alarmed that domestic migrant workers face a wide range of grave abuses and labor exploitation, and

Understanding that many migrant workers fear leaving their job because they will not be able to find another job, and

Shocked that governments typically exclude domestic workers from standard labor protections and fail to monitor recruitment practices, and

Encouraged that with proper education about human rights, both employers and employees will learn how to better improve their current situation,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      Raise money through fundraising to create government programs to help educate migrant workers about their human rights.

2.      Raise money by raising the U.N. dues of the five wealthiest countries by 5% in order to provide additional funding for educational programs. 

3.      The General Assembly will start a program known as Migrants Can Take a Stand, the goal of which is to providing emergency shelter areas to those domestic migrant workers facing severe abuse.

4.      Migrants Can Take a Stand will also help domestic migrant workers create labor unions to better organize themselves against the abuses of their employers.

5.      Migrants Can Take a Stand will help domestic migrant workers find better working conditions.

6.      Migrants Can Take a Stand will help pass labor legislation laws that allows for prosecution of those employers who commit human rights violations. 

Resolution GA May 9-04 

Ralph Bunche



Re:                              Clean Water

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Djibouti

Date:                           May 9, 2008

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Alarmed by scorching heat, a scarcity of water, makes life difficult for Djibouti people, and

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      The General Assembly create a committee called Clean Water For Poor Countries (CWFPC) with the goal to make clean water for poor countries.

2.       CWFPC will send 4 to 5 helicopters with clean water to 3 countries with dirty water.

3.      They will also send 5 geologists to help them find water and establish factories to produce clean water.

4.      This program will last for 6 years. After 3 years CWFPC will send a progress report to see how well or poorly the program is working.

5.      If CWFPC is successful the General Assembly can renew the program after 6 years are up. We can expand the program to another 2 countries with poor drinking water.

6.      We can ask Pepsi and Coke for donations of water. We can start off with that water (unreadable) Countries are to pay 4% of their U.N. dues. This will raise over 43 million dollars a year, sufficient to pay for the geologists and helicopters with clean water.

Resolution GA May 9-05


Hoech Middle


Re:                              Climate Change

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            China, Costa Rica, Egypt, & The Republic of Korea

Date:                           May 9, 2008

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and

Whereas Article 17, section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Concerned that the global mean sea level has risen by around 10 to 15 centimeters during the past century, and global warming is expected to cause a further rise of 15 to 95 centimeters by the year 2100 (with a “best estimate”) of 50 centimeters, and

Alarmed that carbon emissions have quadrupled during the past half –century, and

Realizing the cost of natural disasters in 1998 alone exceeded the cost of all such disasters in the 1980s, and

Disturbed that climate change affects the poorest communities most severely, and

Appalled that eighty-four governments have signed the Kyoto Protocol, but only 22 countries have ratified the treaty; none of them from the industrialized world,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1.      Start a program called Global Warming Awareness Program (GWAP), which will support and lobby for more countries to sign and ratify the Kyoto Protocol, particularly the industrialized countries which contribute the most greenhouse emissions.

2.      GWAP will be an ongoing program, and will report on the activities, progress and money spent to the General Assembly every year.

3.      Money from the GWAP program will be set aside to support companies that develop ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

4.      Money will be set aside for building better public transportation systems so that citizens don’t have to rely on private automobiles.

5.      A percentage of the money will be spent to develop and improve existing disaster plans in poor communities.

6.      A percentage of the money will be spent to strengthen levees in developing countries where rising sea levels are a threat.

7.      Money will be set aside to relocate populations in developing countries where rising sea levels are a danger.

8.      People driving cars that average 25 miles per gallon or greater pay a 1% tax to be added to the price of the car.

9.      Cars that average 24 miles per gallon or less pay a 5% tax to be added to the price of the car.

10.  The annual dues of China, India, Brazil, the United States, Spain, France, and Italy will increase by 5% every year their greenhouse emissions stay the same or increase.   

Resolution GA May 8-06 

Ralph Bunche


Re:                              Terrorism

Submitted to:             General Assembly

Submitted by:            Italy

Date:                           May 8, 2008

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution: 

Whereas Article 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”, and

Whereas Article 3 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person.”, and 

Alarmed that the number of deaths due to terrorism is times the number 2 decades ago, and

Shocked that the worldwide terrorist attack deaths are on the increase since 2001,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly: 

1.      The General Assembly start a program called Stopping Terrorism on People (STOP), the goal of which is to reduce terrorism in the next 5 years.

2.      STOP is going to send 20,000 United Nations Peace Keeper forces to the top 5 terrorist countries.

3.      These troops will give money for guns so there would be fewer guns.

4.      This program will last for 5 years. After the first 3 years, STOP will issue a progress report to the General Assembly reporting on the success and shortcomings thus far in the program.

5.      If STOP is successful the General Assembly can renew the program. At this time the GA will expand the program to 2 new countries with the highest infant mortality.

6.      This program will be paid by raising U.N. dues in the 15 wealthiest countries by 3%. This will raise over 48 million dollars a year, sufficient to pay for troops, money for gun per gram, and other equipment.