Resolutions for April 9

Resolution #:





Andorra, Madagascar
Truman Middle

Child Soldiers



Ridgewood Middle


Italy, Switzerland, and Australia
Truman Middle

Illegal Drug Trafficking



Ridgewood Middle


Costa Rica
Truman Middle

Awareness of Herbal Medicine


Resolution GA April 09-01

Truman Middle


Re:   Child Soldiers

Submitted to:  General Assembly

Submitted by: Andorra, Madagascar

Date:   April 9, 2013

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 4 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”, and

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Realizing over 50 countries recruit children under 18 years of age into their armed forces, and

Alarmed the youngest child soldiers are 6 years old, and

Concerned children volunteer for the armed forces to provide or escape from their family, but most are taken against their will as armed groups pass through villages, and

Appalled 1/3 of child soldiers are female and 40% of child soldiers are sexually abused

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1. Implement T4T, Tents for Tots, setting up tents with bedding, food, basic education, medical attention, and an alternative life from the army. This will offer homeless children, children running from their home lives, and children targeted by the army with a neutral place that offers an escape.

2. By raising the dues paid by the highest paying countries by 10%, T4T will be successful.

3. T4T will be successful if it recovers and saves 10,000 children from the armed forces.

4. If T4T is not successful in a year, it will be shut down.

Resolution GA April 09-03

Truman Middle


Re:   Illegal Drug Trafficking

Submitted to:  General Assembly

Submitted by: Italy, Switzerland, and Australia

Date:   April 9, 2013

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Whereas Article 29 section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order, and the general welfare in a democratic society.”, and

Alarmed that there are an illegal drugs being traded in the countries of Australia, Switzerland, and Italy due to drug laws not being enforced appropriately, and

Shocked that an estimated that $360 billion dollars are spent on illicit drugs every year, and

Realizing that Italy, Switzerland, and Australia have become focal points in the illegal drug trafficking business and have thousands of illegal drug users in each country, and

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1. The United Nations will begin a program called the Dogs On Ports (DOP) that puts German Shepherds on airports and seaports in Australia, Italy, and Switzerland.

2. DOP will train dogs to sniff out any illegal drugs being shipped in and out of Italy, Switzerland, and Australia.

3. This will cost approximately $2,000,000. This project will be funded by increasing the dues of the top 10 paying countries in the United Nations by 0.5%.

4. This program will last for five years. After five years, the DOP will be evaluated and if the reported illegal drug use cases go down by 50%, than the program will be renewed for another five years.

Resolution GA April 09-05

Truman Middle


Re:   Awareness of Herbal Medicine

Submitted to:  General Assembly

Submitted by: Andorra, Madagascar

Date:   April 9, 2013

Establishing in the PREAMBLE the principles that apply in the resolution:

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born or in out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.”, and

Aware that herbal medicine is low cost, and

Affirms that herbal medicine usually has less side effects, and

Recognizing that 70-90% of people could be helped or cured by herbal medicine, and

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

1. The United Nation will begin a program called the Herbal Medicine Organization (THMO).

2. THMO will have headquarters in Costa Rica, and will advertise and promote herbal medicine all over Central America.

3. THMO will also regulate and make laws to make herbal medicine safer and more effective.

4. To create THMO, we request that the UN raise the dues on the ten wealthiest nations by 1%. The money will be used to make legislation and promote herbal medicine by means of advertising and research.

5. THMO will last 2 years. If the mortality rate goes down by 5% or more, THMO will be extended for 4 years and spread beyond Central America.