Urban Go-Team 2014

Adventures in Elections & Voting

Day 1 General Wrap Up: Emma

Last three questions first.

I think people vote because they want a say on how this country is run. They truly want to change things and make sure their rights and hopefully the rights of others are preserved and will be. Others perhaps see it as an obligation to their party and the party their family has always believed in. Those that choice not to vote may be too busy on election day, they could see their vote as useless, and/or they could just not care.

The most reasonable answers I could think of for number 10: Ads,Travel, Themselves (Food, ect.).

The candidates might employ a guilt trip because of party loyalties, others take key issues to side on, and they might use promises to tackle certain problems.

What did you know about today’s activity prior to today’s experience?

I had a general idea of things and a idea of the people’s opinions but this cement and brought up things I had never thought of.

What did you learn today?

The physical process of voting, how one vote change things and how a few people in the same area are thinking.

What was the best part of today?

For an introvert I liked talking to strangers. I don’t know if it was the freeing notions of the parent rule ‘Don’t talk to strangers’ or just getting actually people’s voice heard that I liked best.

What was the worst part of today?

I was with my sister all day. (I’m just kidding, [kind of].) Over all it was an awesome day.

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