Guest Speaker John Head: A Young Person’s Guide to Financial Planning - CIVITAS-STL

Guest Speaker John Head: A Young Person’s Guide to Financial Planning

Due to weather this event is being postponed from Jan. 12 and moved to Feb. 2!

Budgets. College loans. Debt. Interest. Savings. Credit.

Money makes the world go round, but it sure is complicated. Join Civitas for a crash course on everything you need to know about financial planning. We will be joined by John C. Head, a professional financial planner who specializes in helping people take control of their wallets and hit their monetary goals.

  • What should a young person just starting out on their own need to know about money?
  • What are common mistakes people make about finances?
  • Are there scams students should watch out for?

John will be providing a presentation and will answer student questions. Join us for this fantastic opportunity to learn some life skills! The event is free to all high school students and will be held January 12 at the Civitas Hub. Sign up now!


Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.