Guest speaker: Nicole Rainey from the MO ACLU - CIVITAS-STL

Guest speaker: Nicole Rainey from the MO ACLU

The agenda for the event can be found here!

On Saturday, February 27, Nicole Rainey of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri will ZOOM with Civitas students to talk about Civil Liberties Issues. The federal government’s view of inalienable rights has changed considerably as we have moved from the Trump Administration to the era of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Nicole has spoken to Civitas before & was an excellent speaker!

The ACLU was established in the 19-teens to protect liberties that were threatened by the government overstepping its reach. Many of the causes that it supports are not popular (e.g. advocating for Nazi protestors to have the right to march through a Jewish neighborhood), but they consistently work to protect individual liberties. This is true regarding student rights in school. Nicole will be joined by at least one other attorney from the ACLU-MO.

The event will be Saturday, Feb. 27 from 11 am until noon. It’s free for all middle school and high school students. Please register below!


Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.