Civitas' New Intern comments: "Hello, It's Me" (Surprise!) - CIVITAS-STL

Civitas’ New Intern comments: “Hello, It’s Me” (Surprise!)

Campaigns, the Media, Trump, oh my!
In this seemingly never-ending presidential campaign season, following the current events of the day can prove to be a true test of will—especially as the sweet summer sun signals to each weary students that no more reading, writing, or thinking will be required of us ever again (or at least until August, of course). Nonetheless, as the strangest election cycle our nation has ever birthed comes to a head, we face an opportunity as dazzling as it is brief to truly enjoy learning and discussing the nation’s political news.

For this reason, I invite you to join me, Rossella, Civitas’ new and incredibly good looking intern, in my quest to engage in gripping political discussions with students about issues that are important to us throughout the summer, such as the presidential election, healthcare reform, and the role the media plays in our democracy—no purchase necessary. In the coming weeks, be sure to look out for my blog posts and share in the debate in the comments section below! At the end of the summer, the most engaged debater will win an awesome mystery prize *(awesomeness level of prize dependent on intern salary).* Of course, the more basic prize that every participant receives is bragging rights as an informed citizen! Hopefully, together, we can overcome the challenge that the Scarecrow once famously described as, “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking.”

Rossella is a sophomore student at Washington and Lee University studying physics and political science with a focus on American politics. Contact her at [email protected].