May 4, 2023 Middle School Resolutions - CIVITAS-STL

May 4, 2023 Middle School Resolutions

Here are the resolutions for the May 4, 2023 General Assembly session. The schools attending are Assumption Middle, North County Christian, and Visitation Academy. The General Assembly will be at the Creve Coeur Drury Inn from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm. We will be posting resolutions as we receive them. Some of these might be rough drafts and will have changes before the session.

Status: Submitted By: Topic:
Lack of Basic Supplies in Ukraine
Visitation Academy
Child Abuse
Stopping Gang Violence in Haiti
Visitation Academy
Decreasing Terrorism in Chad
Poverty in Madagascar

Resolution GA-01 May 4

Re.:                             Lack of Basic Supplies in Ukraine
Submitted to:            General Assembly
Submitted by:            Germany
Date:                           May 4, 2023

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and

Shocked that 1.5 million people are without running water, a basic need/necessity in a living body, and

Concerned that 11 million people are experiencing hunger because of broken supply lines and destroyed fields, and

Worried that over 18 million people need basic humanitarian aid, and

Upset that Ukraine is at a significantly higher chance of getting vaccine-preventable diseases due to a lack of medical supplies and staff,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The UN will create a program entitled the Ukrainian conflict relief force (UCRF)

  2. We will set up supply and medical camps in western Ukraine to help fleeing or displaced citizens of the country. To protect this humanitarian crisis we will have UN peacekeepers on the ground with the camps.

  3. The UCRF will be funded by partnering with Apple and use 0.005% of their yearly profit of $170.782 billion dollars. This would be an extra $853 million added to our budget for this mission.

  4. We are asking the 10 countries that pay the most in dues to raise dues by 0.3 percent to cover any other needed costs for the effort.

  5. Doctors without borders will be helping us set up vaccination centers and help us supply the people with basic needs and medicines.
  6. UCRF will use donations and partner with GIVE H20 to help supply Ukrainians in need with fresh drinking water in a reusable water bottle.

  7. For food, UCRF will be partnering with the World Food Program to supply the needed food to the checkpoints set up in western Ukraine. We will also supply canned food as it is sustainable and we can supply more because it is cheaper.

  8. The UCRF will operate until the conflict has calmed down and for 1 year after to ensure everyone is taken care of and able to return to normal.


Resolution GA-02 May 4

Re.:                             Child Abuse
Submitted to:            General Assembly
Submitted by:            Iceland
Date:                           May 4, 2023

Whereas Sustainable Development Goal #3 is Good Health and Well-Being, and

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Knowing that India has the eighth most child abuse in the world. And Iceland has a strong relationship with India and is the most peaceful country in the world, and

Concerned that 50% of India’s children don’t go to school, so they stay at home, go to work, and/or get abused, and

Aware that we know that least half of India’s population does not go to school. (that is about 701 million people.)With this information, we will try to lower the rate of child abuse, and

Alarmed that in India, more and more children get abused every day. We are alarmed because the children don’t know that they can/are supposed to report it, and

Concerned that we are concerned with the growth of child abuse in India because of the children. They will grow up with short tempers, and be mad all the time at others, and eventually live a not very pleasant life. But the main concern is that they might grow and BE the abusers,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. “Listen Openhearted be Victorious Every-day.” Or L.O.V.E. is the name of our organization. Our organization will focus on helping the children not feel like homeless puppies on a cold rainy day. We will try our best to help keep kids safe. Our organization will start in Maharashtra, India and hopefully grow. We will start in Maharashtra because it has the most child abuse in India.

  2. What we will do is make keychains. These will have buttons that if pressed, will contact us. Our first office will need about five people and will be near the capital of Maharashtra. (Of which is Mumbai.) The keychains can connect to backpacks, belts, etc. These keychains will have an emergency button for the children to press if they are being abused. Once pressed, we will be able to track the chip implanted in the keychain. and then send emergency authorities to the rescue.

  3. We will need about $86-million dollars. This is just an estimate, prices could range higher or lower. The money will go to the keychains, a small building for us to live/work in, supplies we need to live there, etc.

  4. We will ask Botswana, Zimbabwe, Russia, UK, Afghanistan, United States, and Australia to contribute anywhere from 1-10 million dollars. We are asking these countries because they are in the top eight with the most child abuse in the world. (India is number eight, and Australia is number one.) If the program is successful, we will spread to them starting with the rest of India, and so on.

  5. Our employees in India will live in the small building for one year and will observe how much the keychains will be able to help. We will be able to tell if L.O.V.E. worked by the increase or decrease of child abuse cases. If/when the child presses the button, we will send authorities to help. Whoever the abuser is will be arrested, and if it is the parent, we will put the child in a safe foster home. We will hire ten couples and train them to be foster parents with two months of training before the project. And for the abusers, we will send them to a mental health hospital.

Resolution GA-03 May 4

Re.:                             Stopping Gang Violence in Haiti
Submitted to:            General Assembly
Submitted by:            Haiti
Date:                           May 4, 2023

Whereas Article 4 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”, and

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Whereas Article 8 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.”, and 

Alarmed that La Lime said more than 2,100 murders and 1,300 kidnappings were reported in 2022, and

Realizing that in the last 5 years, gangs have grown rapidly in number, expanding their territories and tightening their control over Haiti’s political and economic infrastructure, and

Keeping in mind the Haitian National Police and Haitian politicians, both deeply interconnected with the gangs, are no longer able to hold the criminals on a leash, and

Aware that increasingly deadly turf wars between rival gang coalitions have revealed the depth of Haiti’s political morass. In this Q&A, Crisis Group shows how the former and the latter are deeply intertwined, and

Deeply Concerned that gangs have decapitated opponents in public, burnt corpses on the street, set fire to houses, and used sexual violence to intimidate residents out of collaborating with their rivals,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. We are looking to create an organization called FOMES (Food, opportunities, military, education, shelter). These will help the Haiti environment, and help all of the troubled people.
  1. We would start by paying $35,000 to the military general to help train the people to fight against the gangs.
  1. We would build a new school which would cost around $6-9 million. We would pay teachers around $45,000 a year and $20,000 for supplies. We will hire 5 new teachers which would cost $225,000.
  1. We would hire 2 janitors, at $550/per week. For the whole school year (52 weeks), it would be $572,000. We would also hire 10 soldiers on patrol at about $63,000 per year, which would be $630,000.
  1. We would build starter houses for anyone in need. That would cost around $600 million for around 20,000 houses. Plus around $20 million for food, and around 40 million for bills
  1. We will raise the dues for the 10 nations that pay the highest amount of dues by 30% which would be $595,795,077.
  1. In 2 years we will check to see if it is successful and if the violence from the gangs has gone down, if it is then you spread the program and we will spread it to the Dominican Republic.


Resolution GA-04 May 4

Re.:                             Decreasing Terrorism in Chad
Submitted to:            General Assembly
Submitted by:            Chad
Date:                           May 4, 2023

Whereas Sustainable Development Goal #16 is Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and

Whereas Article 5 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”, and

Knowing that there have been 102 deaths and thousands of injuries from Chad’s terrorist attacks, and

Concerned that each time the terrorists attack, they kill and injure many people, and                                         

Aware that terrorists have been attacking Chad one or more times a year and ruining their country, and

Alarmed that this problem is affecting multiple countries, including Mali, Nigeria, and Libya, and

Concerned that Chad is having problems with border security, which means that terrorists could easily get in and out,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The United Nations will send more border security and police to Chad to help resolve the terrorist attacks. They will arrive from other countries by train and planes and get assigned to different stations. About 27 police officers will be at each station. They will make sure that nobody is doing anything against the law and keeping peace in Chad.
  1. The police will go and board the spots terrorists have been coming into the country. At the airports we will make the security better and police will be there and no one will be able to bring stuff on planes they shouldn’t. They will get better security around the whole country.
  1. Chad will get better security around, so no one gets into the country and tries to terrorize people. It will be lots of money to get all the border security and police, but it is better to be safe, than sorry.
  1. We will raise dues by 2% in Spain and Egypt and use that money to get people to come to Chad to discover the terrorists. Getting security, police officers, and investigators will be about $850,000 dollars per month. The countries supplying the money are Egypt and Spain. They have very secure borders. We also will spend the remaining money if there is any left to make the country a safer place.
  2. Chad will send 10 discoverers to find out who the main terrorists are and see how they are hurting Chad. After 2 years, we will see how much the terrorist attacks have changed. If they have gone down, we will withdraw some officers. If the attacks increase, the United States will send in more officers.


Resolution GA-05 May 4

Re.:                             Poverty in Madagascar
Submitted to:            General Assembly
Submitted by:            Madagascar
Date:                           May 4, 2023

Whereas Sustainable Development Goal #1 is No Poverty, and

Whereas Article 25, section 1 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care, and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age, or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”, and 

Whereas Article 25, section 2 of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS states, “Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.”, and

Recognizing that 82% of Madagascar’s citizens live in extreme poverty, and

Alarmed 9.64 million people in Madagascar live without adequate food, and

Concerned that only 51% of the population has access to clean water, and

Saddened that over 80% of the population are farmers and the same 80% are without food,

Be It Hereby Resolved That The General Assembly:

  1. The UN will create a task force called ALOFIM (Assembly Line of Farmers IN Madagascar) ALOFIM will consist of a workforce of farmers who will teach Madagascar’s farming methods.
  1. ALOFIM will be in partnership with The Living Seeds Company to obtain the seeds needed for agricultural growth.
  1. Solar Water pumps and AFRIDEV Hand Pumps will be sent out across the nation. 1000 handpumps to be installed, as well as 100 solar water pumps.
  1. The money for these items will be acquired by raising dues for the 10 nations that pay the highest amount of dues would by 0.1%
  1. The total cost of the Operation would be $970,600
  1. After 2 years If the statistics show that there has been a success, we will branch out to countries near the island nation of Madagascar.



Bobbi Kennedy is the middle school coordinator for Civitas. She also helps with high school activities and keeps the web site from imploding.

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