STL Consolidation: Educator Mrs. Jordan - CIVITAS-STL

STL Consolidation: Educator Mrs. Jordan

This was written by Riley, one of our summer interns. The opinions expressed herein do not reflect those of Civitas other than respect for the value of open dialogue.
To read more intern articles and interviews on STL Consolidation, please click here.

Bianna Jordan is a 25-year-old biology teacher at Francis Howell High School. She grew up in the St. Charles area, and went to college at Truman, now living in St. Louis County. Jordan sees the climate change affecting St. Louis with flood as a small problem, because the residents will learn to cope with the weather and area. She is in favor of consolidating the city and the county, but only if it is considerate to what the people living in those areas need, and thinks that past plans failed in that regard. Because of this she would not support a plan similar to Better Together. Regarding Better Together she said “I do not think this would be the most effective way to merge and keep the integrity of existing structures that work for the county. I want more resources to be shared and available between the city and county but do not want individual neighborhoods and cities to lose their autonomy”. In her opinion, the only way for the consolidation to work is to keep “the autonomy of the government.” Working in both areas, Jordan does not see their being much effect of a merger between the county and city on St. Charles. Jordan thinks that the St. Charles County should remain separate, as they seem to work well and apart, and merging them would cause unwarranted problems. However, she is in favor of expanding the metro link out to St. Charles, to improve job opportunity for those in the all counties.

Civitas Associates

Civitas Associates is a St. Louis based non-profit that encourages students and teachers alike to approach the world with creativity, compassion, and critical thought.

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