Missouri Second District’s Next Representative! - CIVITAS-STL

Missouri Second District’s Next Representative!

These thoughts were written by Maggie, one of our 2020 summer interns. The opinions expressed herein do not reflect those of Civitas other than respect for the value of open dialogue.

This Missouri native has made her mark in Missouri politics and is well on her way to Congress. From Ladue School Board to Creve Coeur City Council to Missouri State House to her current position as Missouri State Senator, Jill Schupp is now running for U.S. Representative in the Missouri Second District. On her unique campaign trail filled with phone banking, online training, and virtual town halls, Jill also recently met with a group of Civitas interns in which she spoke about her race, her experience, and her stances.

            As a daughter of a car salesman and audiologist, Jill grew up in University City and attended high school at Parkway North. As one of the first in her family to graduate from college, she went to the University of Missouri. Jill became an elementary school teacher and then worked at an advertising agency where she met her husband and had two children. Her entrance into politics is unique because she never intended to hold public office, yet when her children were growing up, they did not have air conditioning in their school, which made it incredibly hard to concentrate and learn. This made her join the school board to solve these problems for the schools. After winning this election, she ran for city council and then Missouri legislature, winning each time despite difficult incumbents. As a Democratic representative and senator in a high Republican majority legislature, she has passed many pieces of legislation, including the elimination of surprise billing in emergency rooms, lower prescription drug costs, day care safety support, proper veteran affairs, better mental health services, and suicide prevention. Jill also started a resolution in the Senate that proposes the end of the Chinese Government practicing organ harvesting from prisoners, after some of her constituents expressed their concern about this issue. She also worked to make workplaces smoke-free, help elderly populations, and helped elevate taxes for the middle class. Lastly, she founded the Missouri Veterans History Project, which is nonprofit to keep a record of over 1000 veterans’ stories. In Missouri legislature, she has served on the committees of economic development, education, health and pensions, families, child abuse and neglect, tax policy, assistive technology, and veterans.

In 2018, Cort VanOstran won the primary for the Democratic candidate for Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District and sought to turn the district from red to blue, in which he lost by only four percentage points, or about 15,500 votes. Even though it was a defeat, Missouri’s Second District came closer than ever before to electing a Democrat. The St. Louis suburbs area is becoming more Democratic as time goes on. When Mitt Romney ran, he won the district by 57%, yet Trump went down to 52%. This time around, the nonpartisan election forecaster Cook Political Report updated the Second District from “Likely Republican” to “Lean Republican,” which is only one away from toss-up. Jill has had a strong campaign since she announced in addition to the money saved from not having a primary and the legislative experience she has. As a state senator of the 24th District in St. Louis County, she represents her constituents well and has won every race against popular Republicans. Her campaign has had strong fundraising, in which she raised $475,000 in less than one month, which was more than her opponent, Ann Wagner, did in the entire fourth quarter.

In January of this year, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairwoman Cheri Bustos made the announcement that Jill Schupp is part of their Red to Blue program due to being able to grassroots organize and fundraise very well, without taking any money from corporate special interests; 95% of Jill’s donors are from Missouri, and she has St. Louis roots, experience in politics, and connection with constituent communities. This race is considered to be one of most competitive in the country for 2020. Other candidates in this program include doctors, veterans, and farmers, and the DCCC will help their campaigns with organizing and fundraising as well as trainings, guidance, and resources for staff and supporters.

Some of Jill’s endorsements come from End Citizens United, Emily’s List, NARAL, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Everytown for Gun Safety in America, and Sierra Club, among others. Jill earned End Citizens United’s endorsement because she takes no corporate PAC money and, in the Senate, wrote legislation to stop dark money influences, which happens far too much in Missouri, affecting policies such as those of healthcare and voting. Ann Wagner, the Republican incumbent, has taken almost $3 million from corporate PACs throughout her time in public office, and has voted for legislation that gives tax breaks to corporations, such as Big Pharma companies. These types of tax cuts jeopardize many protections and safety nets, such as Medicare and Social Security. End Citizens United has over four million members across the country and about 5,6000 in the Second District!

            Emily’s List is the largest organization in America dedicated to electing Democratic pro-choice women. Jill is a champion for women, families, and children based on her community involvements and legislative experiences. On the other hand, Ann Wagner voted to strip health insurance for millions of Americans, gut the Affordable Care Act, and not protect against gender discrimination of healthcare workers as well as voted to defund Planned Parenthood and overturn Roe v. Wade. Also, NARAL Pro-Choice America endorsed Jill for her long and continued effort and record of fighting for reproductive freedom, unlike her opponent. Jill went against anti-choice legislators who have attacked women’s rights time and time again. Missouri is known for its extreme restrictions on reproductive rights and has repeatedly tried to eliminate safe and legal abortion access in the state, going as far as wanting to imprison doctors. Jill introduced multiple bills to protect choice, such as repealing the 72-hour waiting period before an abortion and ensuring pregnancy organizations have accurate medical information, and voted to prevent pharmacists from being able to refuse contraception orders. Ann Wagner has received a 0% score in NARAL’s Congressional Record on Choice.

            If you live in Missouri’s Second District, it is beyond time to elect new leadership to represent us honestly and faithfully in Congress. Ann Wagner has never had a town hall for her constituents in the seven years she has been a representative; this must change. Jill is ready to serve and fight for her constituents as she has her whole career and will not let us down. Vote for democracy, justice, commitment, and transparency in November by casting a ballot for Jill!

Civitas Associates

Civitas Associates is a St. Louis based non-profit that encourages students and teachers alike to approach the world with creativity, compassion, and critical thought.

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